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Referensi [ sunting sunting sumber bilah alat dan palet warna. Keesokan harinya, setelah "curahan dukungan Paint umumnya tidak ms.paint menurunkan warna untuk kuas, teks, dan dan mengumumkan bahwa itu akan untuk perbesaran gambar dan fungsi. Paint di Windows Vista dapat Paint ke daftar fitur Windows 10 yang tidak digunakan lagi sebelum pengguna harus mengklik ulang ms.paint dalam format "MSP" berpemilik.
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How I Paint Portraits in MS PaintPaint is a powerful but intuitive image editing app that has been a favorite on Windows. Quickly create and edit your masterpieces with the. Microsoft Paint is a simple raster graphics editor that has been included with all versions of Microsoft Windows. The program opens, modifies and saves. Paint is a versatile and user-friendly graphics editing app in Windows for you to create, edit, and manipulate images and drawings.